How different Religiongs arose, and how they affect people of the world.

Essay by vanillasunHigh School, 10th gradeA+, August 2004

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Religions of the World and How They Affect People's Lives

Throughout the history of the world people have always turned to something thought to be greater then themselves to seek protection and fullfillment of their every day needs and desires. Buddhism, Catholicism, and the Protestant belief have been major religions in which an object or being is worshipped with the expectations of renewal of mind, body and spirit.

Siddhartha Gautama was deep in meditation under a fig tree known as the Bohdi tree (meaning, "tree of wisdom"), and experienced the highest degree of God-consciousness called Nirvana. Gautama then became known as Buddha, the "enlightened one." He believed he had found the answers to the questions of pain and suffering. His message now is known to the world as Buddhism. Gautama's doctrine was really not a religion, but a method of ethical culture. He recognized no supreme God. According to Buddhism, the devas, or the god's of the old religion, were 'real' beings.

They were, "like men, caught in the meshes of the material universe."(Barton, 163) Buddhism also includes many emotional/spiritual things such as Karma, and reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that when a man dies, he would either go to Nirvana (Heaven) or be reincarnated until he was good enough to make his way into Nirvana.

Buddhism affects peoples lives, in that, they are lead astray from the truth. So many people will die and never know for sure what they believe. Where as, Christianity or Protestantism, may be a faith based religion, but it provides physical proof and assurance of your eternity based decision. Many people today believe in Jesus Christ as their savior. The reason they do so is because it would seem pointless to put your life in a normal man's hands. Born-Again Christians believe that Jesus...