Discuss The Initial Social & Political Reforms Of the Bolshevik Government

Essay by Tom_nelson2101High School, 11th gradeA-, June 2008

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When the Bolsheviks came into power in 1917 they had the power to dictate Russia the way they have so long intended, during their dictatorship between 1917-1924 political and social changes would apply to suit the Bolshevik Government.

Some social changes were to be put in such as few decrees were made like factory policies- all Factories were put under the control of elected committees of workers, Newspapers that were not Bolshevik were banned, Land was taken from the Tsar, Nobles, church and other landlords and handed over to the peasants and because peasants expected to have the land, Lenin decided not to follow Bolshevik policy and take it into state ownership. Negotiations began to end war with Germany and the secret police (CHEKA) were formed to deal with Bolshevik opponents.

Religion was now banned in Russia under the new law, priests and monks were persecuted and religious teachings were banned in schools.

Education was now an important factor and literacy campaigns enabled more people to read and write, sciences were encouraged and subjects such as history and ancient languages were thought to be useless and were banned.

The labour law came in 1922 and gave workers; an eight-hour day, two weeks paid holiday each year, social insurance benefits such as sick and unemployment pay and old-age pensions.

Couples under the new social changes were now allowed to have non-religious weddings, divorce was made much easier, free love was encouraged and abortion became available on demand.

These social changes gave peasants a little more working freedom and women had equality and marital freedom but everything else is strictly under control by the Bolsheviks and Russia, was now ruled by a dictator.

Political changes were also put in place in an attempt to stabilise Russia, on January 19th 1918 the...