Discuss some of the differences between the two authors on abortion. Mention your own approach on any of these issues.

Essay by agakutyna March 2005

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Downloaded 21 times

Discuss some of the differences between the two

authors on abortion. Mention your own approach on any

of these issues.

Don Marquis proposes in "Why Abortion Is Immoral" that the reason why abortion is

immoral is that it deprives a person of the potential "for a set of experiences, projects,

activities, and such." How important is that right and to whom does it

extend? If we accept this reasoning, does it not follow that it is immoral to incarcerate

any human being? You would definitely be denying them a set of certain experiences,

projects, activities they would otherwise have.

Wouldn't it then be immoral to subject any person to anything that had the potential to

even alter his potential expectation for a set of experiences, projects, activities and

such? You may even be able to extend this line of thought to make it immoral to fire a

person from a job or refuse to hire a person (or cut him off in traffic) because you would

be denying them certain future expectations.

What about the severely mentally and physically retarded (or persons such as Tracy

Latimer) who have no expectation of any real set of experiences, projects, or activities?

You can't deprive someone of something they never had to begin with, even though they

are breathing and have the same genetic code healthy people do.