How does Dickens in his portrayal of Miss Havisham explore the theme of isolation?

Essay by AliKhadrA+, June 2004

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Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812, which is in the Victorian time. At that time there was a large divide between the rich and the poor, the working conditions for the poor were insane; poor people worked very long hours in dangerous factories and don't get paid alot of money. The few wealthy people however, lived in luxury. Those without money were severely repressed and prevented from improving and bettering their dangerous lives. Women were not looked up to in the Victorian times, women were dependent on men, unless they were rich, women were expected to serve and obey their husbands, they were not allowed to work. Charles Dickens was very interested in changing society and he did this through his novels that dealt with such topics as justice and punishment, the factory system, the widening gap between the rich and poor. He also believed that the division between the classes had produced a diseased, unhealthy and selfish society.

Charles Dickens writes his novels through his experiences of life, he was the eldest son out of eight children, two of whom had died in childhood. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk in the Navy Pay Office, which the family moved around a great deal.

John Dickens got into debt and was sent to Marshalsea Prison, and soon after the whole family except Charles. Charles was taken out of school and put to work in a filthy warehouse where he had to stick labels on bottles, many of his ideas about social conscience probably stem from this episode in his life. When he was sixteen, Dickens was working as a court reporter. This is where he saw the harsh system of justice, which operated in England. He then became a newspaper reporter and this gave him a detailed...