How does Golding creates setting in The Lord of the Flies?

Essay by pavel369Junior High, 9th gradeA, March 2004

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Golding creates the setting in the Lord of the Flies using many different aspects. First of all Golding creates a tone in the story that helps to enhance the setting. Secondly, there is the use of personification and similes, which also add to the effect of the setting. Furthermore, another very important idea that develops the setting is the fact that Golding descries the island through the boy's eyes. In addition the book also contains a large number of strong vocabulary that add to the setting as well. Subsequently, there is the contrast that helps to create a vivid image of the setting. And lastly there is the fact that the author tries to make the island seem a live, this also improves the setting and makes it more colourful.

The author gives a tone to his book that cannot be described in one word. In other words the tone is creates of a mixture of different feelings and aspects.

For example some of the adjectives that can be used to describe the tone are the following: Uncertain, isolated, uneven, green. All these different descriptive words together give an image of an island that the author wants the readers to see. Furthermore the author uses a large number of personification and similes, which help with the creation of the setting. For example on page 4, "The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air." This is a good example of personification because this quote shows a very vivid image of the palms that are actually alive. Furthermore an example of a simile can be found on page 4, "the lagoon was still as a mountain lake. The language that the...