
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Dolphins         Dolphins are small toothed whales that belong to the group known as cetaceans.

Cetaceans includes all whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The term dolphin and porpoises had often been used interchangeably in the past, but scientists found a way to distinguish the two. Scientists distinguish the two by their teeth; porpoises have spade- shaped while dolphins have cone-shaped (Cerullo 4). Dolphins are predators who prey on either fish or squid(Leighton 18). "There are about thirty or forty species of dolphins." Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most wide-ranging species. Bottlenosed dolphins live along tropical and temperate coasts around the world. Atlantic white sided dolphins frequently live in frigid waters while hourglass dolphins are found in Antarctic waters (Cerullo 4). Narwhal Ha 2 dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Hector dolphins, Beluga dolphins, Black dolphins, Spotted dolphins, and Striped dolphins are some other species (Corrigan 10-20). " I learned that they deserved their reputation for friendliness, playfulness, complex social behavior, and group loyalty" said one scientist (Cerrulo 2-3). Dolphins are talented and intelligent mammals.

        They have streamlined bodies that allow them to move through the water easily since they are smooth and rounded.

They also have a strong tail, called a fluke and all dolphins have a flipper to help them steer when they are swimming (Leighton 9- 10). Another thing that dolphins have is a dorsal fin and some even have beaks (Corrigan 15). They also have one blowhole which allows them to breath.

        "There are solid-color dolphins, dolphins with patches of color, spotted dolphins, and striped dolphins (Corrigan 10)." They have a thick fat layer beneath their skin known as the blubber. The blubber Ha 3 insulates them from the cold water. It also "... streamlines their shape, acts as an energy reserve, and makes them buoyant." The blood vessels in their fins and flippers also help them conserve body heat(Cerullo 6).

        The biggest dolphin can grow to the size of a speedboat, but many of them grow as big as an adult human. The smallest ones are the size of a big dog (Leighton 9).

        Striped dolphins have...