Donna Haraway

Essay by noone January 2005

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Biology in the Liberal Arts Curriculum in the Late Twentieth Century: Teaching Biology for Citizenship in a Transnational World(very early stages)

Modest _Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan _Meets_Oncomouse (New York and London: Routledge, 1997).

Ciencia, Cyborgs y Mujeres: La reinventiín de la Naturaleza. translated by Manuel Talens, introduction by Jorge Arditi, Fernando Garcيa Selgas and Jackie Orr (Valéncia: Ediciones Cáthedra, 1995), 432 pp, in Spanish.

Manifesto Cyborg: Donne, Technologie e Biopolitiche del Corpo. with introduction by Rosi Braidotti, translation and notes by Liana Borghi (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1995), 194 pp, in Italian.

Monstrِse Versprechen: Coyote-Geschichten zu Feminismus und Technowissenschaft. translated by Michael Haupt, forword by Frigga Haug (Berlin: Argument Verlag, 1995), 215 pp, in German.

Die Neuerfindung der Natur: Körper, Text, Methapher ("Manifesto for Cyborgs," "Situated Knowledges," "Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies," and the "Contest for Primate Nature," with interview and editor's introduction) (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1995), in German.

Een Cyborg Manifest. translated by Arno Beuken and Karin Spaink, introductory essay by Karin Spaink (Amsterdam: De Balie, 1994), in Dutch.

Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. (London: Free Association Books and New York: Routledge, 1991). American Book Award, The Before Columbus Foundation, 1992 Spanish translation, Ediciones Catedra, 1996 Japanese (Seido Sha), Korean (Ehwa Women's University Press), under contract and in translation.

Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science. (New York and London: Routledge, 1989; London: Verso, 1992). Bay Area Book Reviewers Association Award in Non-fiction, nominated 1989; Gustav Meyers Human Rights Award, 1990; Robert K. Merton Award, American Sociological Association, Science, Knowledge and Technology Section, 1992.

Crystals, Fabrics, and Fields: Metaphors of Organicism in 20th Century Developmental Biology. (New Haven: Yale University Press, l976).


"Mice into Wormholes: A Technoscience Fugue in Two Parts," for Gary Downey and Joseph Dumit, eds., Cyborgs and Citadels: Interventions in...