Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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DOSTOYEVSKY VS NIETZSCHE Human views of life in general are constantly changing. Numerous times in history, philosophies have been presented and been either accepted or rejected. "Every philosophy is the philosophy of some stage in life," a great mind of Russia, Friedrich Nietzsche, stirs emotions about life with his philosophy of the "Superman." This "superman" view is simply explained by saying that some men are born greater than others. Some men are thought to be born to achieve great things and they should be respected as higher or greater beings. Fyodor Dostoevsky, the author of the novel Crime and Punishment, attacks this theory and teaches that men are free to achieve anything. Humans are born equal in the things that they can achieve.

Friedrich Nietzsche teaches the "superman" theory to people in Russia and people enjoyed believing that they are greater than others. Crime and Punishment is a story about a man named Rodya that commits a murder and thinks he can justify his crime because he believes he is a "superman."

He later realizes that his conscience will not justify murder. With no justification, the man goes insane with guilt. This contradicts everything that Nietzsche can teach. His view was that because some people were "supermen," they were above the common law. Common laws are made by the ordinary for the ordinary.

Dostoevsky uses graphic detail to show the pain that Rodya goes through when his conscience hits him. This man, who in his mind has the potential to be or do anything, goes through extreme torment after killing a worthless old lady that is not only worthless but thrives on others pain. Nietzsche believes that a crime of this type could be justified. He does not see the big picture that Dostoevsky sees. The worth of...