The Dream of an Easy Life in Of Mice and Men

Essay by nettfeteJunior High, 9th gradeB+, October 2014

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Of Mice And Men

In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck's centennial edition [Of mice and men], Lennie is addicted to petting soft things. Lennie started with a small things to pet, like mice, rabbits and a puppy, but he escalated to Curley's wife. Curley's wife is lonely, and Lennie is the only person who talks nicely to her, so she ends up in the barn with him, even though he is dangerous. Even though Curley's wife seems like she is to blame, but Lennie is to blame but in reality Lennie's violent actions and his stubbornness to pet things started the whole mess.

Lennie has been in trouble since the beginning of the book. He could have been in less trouble if he had just followed George's commands, but he just followed his own path. Although Lennie is not a braniac, he is still the strongest in the ranch.

He never feels happy or enthusiastic following George's orders. "'Listen to me, you crazy bastard,' he [George] said fiercely. 'Don't you even take a look at that bitch. I don't care what she says and what she does. I seen ' em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. You leave her be'" (30). George is telling Lennie niether to talk nor confront Curley's wife, but Lennie does not listen to George. His refusal to listen to George leads to Curley's wife death: "for Lennie had broken her [Curley's wife] neck" (87). As a result, everybody in the ranch wants to kill him, especially Curley.

The combination of Lennie's strength and his urge to pet soft things causes a violent ending to the novel. He should have known the strength he had wasn't normal since he...