How economic, geographic, and social factors encouraged the growth of slavery in the southern colonies between 1606 and 1775

Essay by Bigpapa1High School, 10th gradeA+, November 2006

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The first immigrants to come to America relied on farming to get their food. As America's population began to grow and more farmers came around, trade increased between people. During its peak, America began to rely heavily on farmers for money. Certain crops made lots of money and those were the crops most farmers would grow. However, lot of workers would be needed to grow these crops and the idea of slavery came to America. As slaves kept increasing in the south, the economy skyrocketed in America. As fertile lands grew cash crops, and the process of getting slaves got easier, slaves kept increasing in numbers in the southern colonies.

A fact that early Americans would come to realize was that southern colonies contained fertile land. Farms in the south got lot of rain and enough sunlight to make the plants grow. Cash crops such as tobacco and cotton were all good things to grow in these farms.

And because the increasing demands for those crops, most farmers wanting money began growing them. The land was perfect for growing the crops except, lot of workers were needed to grow them. The northern colonies didn't really contain good land for growing these cash crops, and thus why they didn't have many slaves.

When cash crops started to become big money makers, the wealthy class began to focus their land on the growing of cash crops. Cash crops sold for lots of money and trading with them became very popular. Because these crops brought in so much money, the owners of the land, usually the wealthy class, kept hiring more workers to work the land. The owners of the land wanted to make even more money as it is, and so they would hire an extreme amount of workers.