EDGAR ALLAN POE: LIFE AND WORKS This is about the life and the works of the poet edgar allan poe, i basically describe his life and how it effected what and how he wrote.

Essay by inasunnydazeHigh School, 12th grade April 2003

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Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts and died October 7, 1849 in Baltimore, Maryland. His mom was Eliza (Elizabeth) Poe and his dad was David Poe, both were involved with the Federal street theater. David Poe had a reputation for drinking. Elizabeth Poe was an orphan, her first husband, an actor had died, then she married David, and was dying all when she was only twenty-four years old. The three kids William Henry Leonard, the oldest, Edgar, and Rosalie, the youngest, all stayed by there mothers deathbed, they watched her die, as she coughed up blood due to tuberculosis. Edgar was not quite three when his mom died. There is confusion as to what happened to his dad, some say he left the family before Elizabeth died, and some say he left after she died, never to be heard from again and others say that he died shortly after she died.

Since the children now had no parents they were sent to live elsewhere. William Henry Leonard went to live with David Poe, his grandfather. Rosalie went to live with the Mackenzie family. Edgar Poe was sent to live his life with John and Francis Allan. John Allan never officially adopted Edgar, but baptized him with the name Allan. John Allan was a thirty two year old tobacco merchant, born in Ireland; he was as strict and didn't show much emotion. They sent him to go to school at Richmond University. While there he gambled playing cards and amounted a debt of two thousand dollars. There is also a discrepancy as to what happened after this, Bloom says that he got kicked out of the university due to the gambling debt, while Quinn says that Allan refused to give him the money and withdrew...