Education for gifted children has received less attention than many

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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Education for gifted children has received less attention than many other areas of special education. In 1972, the Marland Report issued by the U.S. Office of Education brought national attention to this subject. It stated that the U.S. needed to put more effort into developing the gifted youth, and it defined giftedness and its major types ( Feldhusen, 165). Although this report along with other important events in history brought attention to the lack of resources allocated to educating the gifted, teachers still are not as well trained, as they need to be in this area. In order to be an effective teacher for children that are gifted, sometimes teachers need to be resourceful and educate themselves on the topic. In order to be an effective teacher for the gifted children, a teacher should have: the ability to identify the gifted; the knowledge of theories in gifted education; the knowledge to apply popular techniques used to teach the gifted.

There are many characteristics gifted children display that differentiate them from other students. They learn material in less time, and remember what was taught without needing a review. They think more on a complex and abstract level than their classmates do. They can keep an eye on classroom activities without paying direct attention because of their ability to concentrate on different things at once. Gifted students become caught up in one topic, and want to learn as much as they can about it before moving on to another subject (Winebrenner, 53). They are often perfectionists and idealistic. Their chronological age, intellectual development, social, and physical levels might not develop at the same time. A seven-year-old boy may be able to read at a fifth grade level, but may lack the normal social skills of his classmates. Gifted children are problem solvers...