The Effects of Dietary Intake on the Production of Neurotransmitters Related to the Onset of Depression in Humans

Essay by mexwonderCollege, UndergraduateA, June 2008

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The Effects of Dietary Intake on the Production of Neurotransmitters Related to the Onset of Depression in Humans

David Samuel Flores

Granite State College



To explore the effects of dietary intake on the production of neurotransmitters related to the onset of depression in humans, I have researched various scientific texts and websites detailing scientific studies relating to this issue. Despite our societal tendency to disregard depression as temporary and insignificant, A World Health Organization report identified depression as the "No. 1 cause of disability in the US and the third biggest, behind heart disease and strokes, in Europe ". (, 2008). With depression's increasing incidence throughout the United States and the rest of the world, more studies are being conducted to identify possible causes and treatments. One treatment is through diet therapy, which is based upon the idea that "illness may be treated by providing the body and the brain with the correct amount of nutrients".

(, 2008). Thus, a deficiency of nutrients may truly be a major factor affecting the production of specific neurotransmitters and resulting in the onset of depression.


The Effects of Dietary Intake on the Production of Neurotransmitters Related to the Onset of Depression in Humans

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a person's loss of interest in experiencing the things in life that they once found pleasurable, a lack of energy and motivation, and feelings of hopelessness. (Weiten, 2002). Depression is often accompanied by sleep disorders and feelings of greatly lowered self-worth. There are a myriad of factors which can contribute to the onset of depression. Common factors involved in the onset of depression are hormonal imbalances, genetic heredity, right hemispheric dominance in the brain, and varied...