Effects of the Enlightenment.

Essay by van_EcksHigh School, 10th grade January 2006

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The aftermath of the Scientific Revolution, also known as The Enlightenment was an up rise of intellectual, economic, as well a political movement that spread through England, France, Germany, and many other parts of Europe during the 1700s. It affected people in various ways. The advancements of the Enlightenment transformed the Western world into an intelligent and self-aware civilization.

The Enlightenment opened a path for independent thought. All the fields of math, astronomy, physics, politics, economics, philosophy, and medicine were drastically updated and expanded. The amount of new knowledge was emerging greatly. Chemists understood more about elements and biologists introduced a new classification system for organisms. Political changes were least significant. The Enlightenment produced set principals for human affairs. Enlightenment thinkers also attacked the Catholic Church. Mary Wollstonecraft is an important woman in this time period. She stood up for women and argued that new political rights and freedom should be presented to them.

Marianne Ehrmann suggested that men were some what supposed to be blamed of women's lower position. Attitudes toward children also changed, in which older methods of discipline were disapproved. They believed that a more restrained discipline would bring out the good and innocence of children. In wealthy families, books and toys were used to show the idea that at a young stage; children should be learning and growing. Love between family members gained respect and a tighter bond in marriages came about. In an economic view, commerce still continued to spread. The West began to buy processed products such as sugar and coffee. Another change was the development of paid professional entertainment such as the circus. Agriculture changed and new ways of draining swamps was presented. The spread of the new important world crop which was potato, increased. The Absolute monarchy changed and was less effective.