The effects of reconstrution on freedman

Essay by CndygrlCollege, UndergraduateA+, May 2004

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Kathryn Galbraith

American History

Effect of Reconstruction

A) Reconstruction had an enormous effect on the freedmen and the society they were forced to live in. While reconstruction protected some civil rights for the African Americans it did nothing to help the social inadequacies and the economy. The ex-slaves were left with practically nothing, including land. They were not allowed to own guns or knives and if they were found carrying either, punishment was instilled upon them. They were given the right to marry, but only within their own race. If a freedman was caught having any type of affair with a white colored person they were faced with severe jail time. Without the basic needs to survive and the constant "codes" being forced, it caused a great struggle for new freedmen.

Although slavery was abolished, times were still hard for anyone of darker skin color. Many freedmen were forced to become farmers due to the lack of education and the social restrictions that were forced upon them.

They also had contracts for a few other types of work. They must complete each job and if a freedmen was to quit before his contract to whom ever was up, his wages would be garnished.

Freedmen also faced another struggle. Racism was an every day endeavor but when the Klan instilled their views it caused unimaginable problems for the newly freed slaves. Without the proper tools, no freedmen could function properly in society and therefore they basically led the same role as they had before slavery was abolished.

Freedmen were not able to establish credit of any sort and due to the limitations placed on slaves they were doomed to become black farm laborers in a permanent peasant class.