
Essay by cherryyu03120312High School, 10th gradeA-, November 2014

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10. Clytemnestra accuses of Electra putting the whole family in shame as she wanders around in the streets. Clytemnestra believes that Electra has no right to blame the death of Agamemnon on her because she killed him out of justice, exacting revenge for his sacrifice of their daughter, Iphigenia. Agamemnon's hamartia is his desire for glory. Agamemnon is a politician and a schemer. He was able to sacrifice his own daughter, in return for a honourable name. The putative antagonist raises the point that the sacrifice should be of the sons of Menelaus and Helen, whom have started the Trojan War in the first place, instead of the slaughter of her innocent daughter. This is Electra's ignorance. Was she fighting for matriarchy, or just emphasizing patriarchy? Why does he have the right to decide the life and death of her daughter, not the mother (she has given 10 months for the life)? Clytemnestra puts in more time in giving birth to Iphigenia, thus, I shall be rewarded with allocation.

This is distributive justice (Aristotle in ethics)

11. Clytemnestra states that Electra should not be so bold, but rather ask for the permission of her. She says that it is sinful to not obey the gods. Furthermore, she thinks it is acceptable to sacrifice a daughter "in requital for the stag [Agamemnon]'d killed" (572). According to the law, Clytemnestra should be killed, in order to compensate for the death of Agamemnon. This is ironic she despites what Clytemnestra did to her ex-husband in the first place as she slaughtered Agamemnon, in return for the death of Iphigenia. Electra describes this act as "shameful" as Clytemnestra "marr[ies] enemies to avenge a daughter!" (593). There needs to be forgiveness, not just vengeance. Electra's hamartia...