Email: A plus or minus

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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E-mail is defined as ?the exchange of computer-stored messages by telecommunications?( Inc). With the ever-increasing popularity of the Internet, e-mail has defined the way we communicate with the world around us. From the simple use of contacting family and friends, to becoming a tool used by businesses to exchange correspondence with employees and clients; e-mail has developed into leading method of communication on the Internet. With any advancement, like e-mail, limitations and drawbacks may be found that skews the prospects it has bought to the world of communication. E-mail has produced a bevy of benefits to individual users and corporate businesses that otherwise without it, would be at a serious disadvantage.

The growth of the Internet has been extraordinary. First started in 1968 as Arpanet, the primary goal was to enable remote computer centers to communicate and share resources (Leonard 231). However it didn?t take long to discover that an electronic email system was needed for communication.

With the advent of the Internet, the need for a computer based communication program came to light. This was the origin of e-mail.

The benefits of e-mail are apparent in our everyday lives. Worldwide, 225 million people can send and receive e-mail (Leonard 230). Individuals across nations are able to communicate in the blink of an eye. E-mail also allows us the freedom on anonymity and the right of privacy. ?E-mail captures the essence of life at the close of the 20th century with an authority that few other products of digital technology can claim? (Leonard 230). It allows people to manage their busy lives within a timely manner, and yet still permit them to keep in touch with loved ones and friends at their own speed.

With the introduction of e-mail to the business world, companies are able to...