Emerson and thoreau

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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"Dance to the beat of your own drummer:" A piece of advice that I have been told my whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreau's quote, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau changed our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So let's begin with the relationship between Emerson and Thoreau.

Emerson was born in 1803, into a family of ministers. He went to Harvard where he studied theology and philosophy, among other subjects. It was at Harvard where Emerson discovered transendentalism, and his career shifted paths. He started to give lectures on his philosophy of life and the human spirit.

It was at one of these lectures that a young, influential man by the name Thoreau first was introduced to Emerson. Thoreau, born in 1817, was the son of a pencil maker. His mother ran a boarding house where she hosted many of the intellectuals of their time. Thoreau attended Harvard as well, and that was where he was introduced to Emerson. He became fascinated with Emerson's philosophy while sitting in on one of his lectures. Emerson became Thoreau's mentor and advisor. A relationship that soon deepened to a friendship. Many people claim that Thoreau's ideas were simply taken from Emerson's, in fact, some critics call Thoreau Emerson's miror. And although their philosophies greatly reflected one another, they differed in many ways as well.

Emerson's writing focused on nonconformity and individuality. In his essay "Self-Reliance," he wrote, "Nothing is at last sacred...