English-Only Policies

Essay by dinky68University, Bachelor'sA+, February 2004

download word file, 4 pages 3.8

"English Only flows from insecurity. Now that demographic changes of all kinds - greater mobility, nontraditional families, mass culture - are disrupting Americans' sense of community, there is a renewed search for unifying institutions" --James Crawford

English-Only. Making English the official language would defeat the whole purpose of this country. The founding fathers wrote the Constitution, which states that we have the right to a freedom of speech and education. If English was never the official language for the past two hundred years, why should it be changed now? Having multiple languages in this country is beneficial because it fosters diversity and also helps preserve one's cultural identity. When immigrants come here from over a 160 different countries around the world, it is said that one must know English to function in this society. That is true overall, but why should the government enforce what language one speaks. That is defying one's right to the freedom of speech.

Choosing what language should be spoken is something that the government should not interfere with. Learning English is going to be beneficial at some point, but legislative action is not necessary. Many immigrants for example Spanish, who migrate to the United States by crossing the border, do not know how to speak English. They still end up finding jobs and making a better living than they did back at home. This is because the United States of America is the "land of opportunity." Our bilingual programs offer equal access to education and government to all citizens. This is why this country is one of the most cultural diverse and technologically advanced countries in the world. The United States has inhabitants, which speak different languages and dialects from all over the world.

The passage of the English Language Amendment would cause problems not...