Ernest Hemingway "Old man and the sea" Analysis and symbols

Essay by ProfessorSnipsHigh School, 11th gradeA+, May 2007

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Day 1. In The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway tells the triumphant yet tragic story of a veteran fisherman battling the infamous blue marlin off the coast of Cuba. In the beginning Hemingway explains the situation of the main character, Santiago, an old fisherman who has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish. Santiago fishes on the Gulf Stream for the first forty days with a young man named Manolin, whose parents force him to leave Santiago whom they call “salao” because of his horrible fishing luck. However, in his deep admiration of Santiago, the boy offers to go back out with Santiago on the boat, to end his unlucky streak. The humbled Santiago refuses his help, and tells the boy to stay on his lucky boat where he is making money.

Day 2. The second day begins with Santiago rising early to wake Manolin up for their day of fishing.

The boy gathers the gear and bait for the trip and seems very optimistic. Santiago leaves the shore alone confidently, never losing his trust in the sea. He throws out his various baits and hooks and notices the flying fish, dolphins, and the circling bird overhead, noting a man is never alone in the sea. He soon brings in a ten-pound tuna, and chooses to use it as bait for a much bigger fish, deciding his luck is on a roll. Before long a fish takes the bait and Santiago is shocked to realize this must be a very large marlin. With its power and brute muscle the marlin pulls Santiago’s skiff farther and farther until he can no longer see the green of the shore. Santiago knows the marlin is too strong to pull in alone at this time, he must wait until the fish tires...