This is an essay about abortion. It is well researched and has many good points. This is an excellant paper

Essay by kimwho610College, UndergraduateA+, January 2003

download word file, 5 pages 4.4 3 reviews

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It is true that abortion may be the death of an innocent being. If that is correct, any woman who has had an abortion should be subject to the consequences of a premeditative first degree murderer, which could possibly be the death penalty. However, the question that truly forms the debate is this: Is the zygote really a human being? Surely there are signs that show life, but is it developed enough to function as a human? I contend that the fetus is not a right-possessing individual, until the point of birth. It cannot claim any rights, while it is still part of the mother. Being part of the mother, it is the mother's. What happens to her body through the course of her pregnancy is her choice. Therefore, abortion is solely the mother's choice, and outsiders should not block, or even oppose, her rights as an American.

Certainly today's society needs to clean up it's act.

In most young adults, good morals aren't commonly used. But they do use their common sense. Young adults are fully aware of what they are getting into, they just aren't sure of all the consequences. Education plays a big role in this issue. Being taught about birth control and planned parenting statistically helps the number of accidents that can cause abortion. Nevertheless, accidents will happen. Rape will still occur, there will be the rebels, the careless, and the clueless. People make mistakes every day. There should be something to fall back on in a case of an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Abortion can be for the well-being of both the mother and the potential child. A woman needs to take full responsibility of her actions. For instance, in a pregnancy, this can come in different forms. It can be when the woman decides...