Essay on jackie robinson and relating how he handled his life with the help of religion

Essay by lasalleA, March 2004

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The main person to influence Jackie Robinson was Karl Downs, a young minister. Karl Downs had the ability to communicate with others spiritually. According to Jackie Karl was fun to be with and always participated in sports with the children of the neighborhood. Jackie often visited Karl in times of personal crisis. "Karl was like a father to me," stated Jackie, "he was always there when I needed him most." Karl's presence and dedication meant more to Jackie then anyone could fathom, considering Jackie's father left him and his family at a young age. Karl presented Jackie with valuable advice by telling him to attend college. Jackie felt wary about leaving his mother home fending for herself and the rest of the family alone. For this reason Jackie felt obligated to stay close to home. Jackie decided to attend UCLA, which was very close to his home. Jackie, while playing sports at UCLA, volunteered to be a Sunday school teacher.

Jackie felt a certain obligation to give something back to the youth of the neighborhood, as did Karl Downs. Jackie knew he could be a positive influence for kids that were just like him. Leading the young kids to God would teach them that violence is wrong, and that they could accomplish whatever they wanted.

While attending UCLA Jackie became the schools first four letter man in history. Jackie played basketball, football, baseball, and track. After two years at UCLA Jackie decided to leave. Jackie was convinced that no amount of education would help a black man get a job. Mallie, Jackie mother, was still working very hard and Jackie felt it was his responsibility to relinquish some of her hardships. UCLA was upset with Jackie when he told them the news, and they begged him to stay. Even with...