Essay on Numerology

Essay by wadeo6969College, UndergraduateA+, May 2005

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Numerology Report


This report is designed to give you new insights into your character and personality from a perspective considerably different from that which most people use. The descriptions in this report are based on the ancient science of numerology.

The report discusses:

The lessons you are learning in this life, your deep inner desires and how to fulfill them, your talents and personality traits and how to make the best use of them, the environment in which you work best, your attitude toward work, and your ways of relating to other people.

The report can also guide you in identifying existing opportunities and opening the way to new and even more favorable possibilities. It's up to you, though, to use the information here, along with your free will, to determine the road on which you want to journey and the distance you wish to travel. No matter your age, the roads are open when you are ready to explore.

Some talents and characteristics surface at different times in your life. Occasionally, a characteristic described in this report has been present in an earlier part of your life and is not of current importance. Sometimes, a talent mentioned here is present although you may not be fully aware of it. If this is the case, check with a friend who knows you well and you may be pleasantly surprised. A few characteristics may not have appeared in your life as yet although they're described in this report. The description of these undeveloped potentials may serve to open your consciousness to new and exciting possibilities.


There are several sides to your character but your energy is primarily pointed in two contrary directions. A good part of you is probably strong and practical, interested in the business world or similar...