Ethical decision making model analysis

Essay by sseguchiUniversity, Bachelor's November 2004

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Ethical Decision Making Model analysis

What is the ethical decision making model? What is critical thinking? In this paper I will discuss the ethical decision making model and how critical thinking impacts ethical decisions. Personal experiences will be used as examples.

When we are faced with making an ethical decision we are usually faced with an ethical dilemma. To make a good decision we need to use "Logical thinking that draws conclusions from facts and evidence" which according to is the definition of critical thinking. Recently I was personally faced with an ethical dilemma that has to do with work and school. I'm currently on a tuition reimbursement program though my company and there are certain criteria that will make my paid education taxable or nontaxable. Of course if my tuition is nontaxable I don't have to pay taxes and I'll be saving lots of money. One of the criteria for making my tuition taxable is if my educational program qualifies me for a new position at work.

If I answer no, the tuition is not taxable and I'll save some money but, in my situation the answer would be yes so my tuition should be taxed but, If I answer no, no one will find out and I'll be cheating my company or the government out of some money. I'm now stuck with an ethical dilemma. In the end I choose to answer yes and pay the taxes, following an ethical decision making model helped me do the right thing.

The ethical decision making model I followed and will break down is from the Josephson institute of ethics. The model follows 7 simple steps to finally come to a conclusion and make a decision.

1. STOP AND THINK One of the most important steps to better decisions...