'Evaluate the impact of Nazism on the Jewish Community in the years 1918 - 1945.'

Essay by maxludoHigh School, 12th gradeA-, July 2005

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Between 1918 and 1945, Nazism had a great impact upon the Jewish communities mainly of Germany, Poland and Austria. Throughout the development of the Nazi Party as a major political force, there was little foundation to the ideology of the party concerning the Jews, yet through publications and public speeches the party, mainly lead by Adolf Hitler, signalled the intentions of the party for a pure German nation. Between the infamous Beer Hall Putsch and the 1930 election, the Jewish community was again subject to verbal, racial slurs by the Nazi Party, but become somewhat more intimidating as the party grows in numbers and public support. Throughout the period of Hitler's Chancellorship until prior to Anschluss (the annexation of Austria), the impact of Nazism on the Jews has been clearly laid through Laws restricting civil and political rights. From Anschluss to 1945, the Jews are forced to flee from Germany, are physically tortured, moved into concentration camps, and most in these camps are 'exterminated' as a part of Hitler's 'Final Solution'.

Throughout the period 1918 - 1923, the development of Nazism, or the ideology of the National Socialist German Labour Party (NSDAP), had not yet been declared, nor did Nazism directly impact upon the Jewish community throughout this stage of the party's rise to the top of German politics. However, propaganda and direct insults upon the Jews through vehicles such as speeches and public material can be concluded to the eventual ideals of Nazism. Upon the German defeat in the First World War, Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews for the German loss, and claimed that the Jews were "a hidden enemy responsible for all German misfortunes." Throughout the period of the end of the Great War and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles which Hitler claims to have...