Evaluate the importance of food in Como Agua Para Chocolate with direct reference to both the narrative form and content of the novel.

Essay by sweetcornlover March 2004

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Evaluate the importance of food in Como Agua Para Chocolate with direct reference to both the narrative form and content of the novel.

Food and love two things humans cannot live without. This book deals with both, at times it is hard to differentiate between the two. Tita our protagonist is indelibly linked to the kitchen and all it's parts that make up her own world where she is destined to spend most of her life.

This essay will discuss the importance of food in Como Agua Para Chocolate.

The food in this book makes it totally different from any other romance novel and the device of treating the book as a cook book serves to parody ' Novelas Rosas '. The book is split into 12 monthly chapters each one starting with a recipe. This immediately sets the book apart from a normal ' Novela Rosa ' as it firmly anchors the chapters around domesticity and obviously cooking.

These monthly instalments divide the book into distinct episodes thus directly affecting the narrative and the content of the novel. The recipe ingredients are given in a very formal presentation as per a normal cooking book. The most fascinating aspect of the recipes is the ' Manera de hacerse '. Tita's recounting of events is directly influenced by her sensations caused by the food she is preparing.

Titas emotional involvement in the preparation of the food also causes some weird and wonderful effects on those who consume it and are thus consumed by it. The consumption of food prepared by Tita brings out a lot of magic realist episodes in the story as Tita's emotions are so strong they diffuse into the food and are received by those who eat it, causing the weird and wondrous effects.

Food is the...