Evidence for the Big Bang

Essay by MelengkeHigh School, 12th gradeA, July 2005

download word file, 5 pages 5.0 1 reviews

Whether you happen to be walking down a neighborhood street on a starry night, or trekking across Canada in a car, or rising to the bright sunshine that beams through your bedroom window in the morning, many of us easily take it for granted, or perhaps it simply goes unnoticed that we are, human beings living on a planet called Earth; or that the beautiful stars in the sky have existed long before we did; or that our planet is but a tiny speck of sand in the grand Universe. "Where did it all come from?" many people before us have asked themselves. Scientists of Cosmology, who study large scale structures and the origin of the universe, have struggled with this very question and have developed several theories to answer just that. One such theory is called the Big Bang. It has become one of the most widely accepted theories of our time because in several ways, it provides tangible evidence to explain the origin of the universe.

The Big Bang Theory assumes that 'the Universe began as cosmic singularity as small as an atomic nucleus"' which is infinitely small and infinitely curved and that all matter and energy were concentrated in a single point (Impey & Hartman, 513). This implies that the universe as an evolving model that existed in space-time, which began from an initial singularity and subsequently expanded (I&H, 513). Fundamentally, this theory tries to account for the physical events that took place in the very first moments during the creation of the universe, well over 15 million years ago. In much of the literature, it is evident that the three key pieces of evidence that support this theory include: the presence of cosmic microwave background radiation, galaxies are taking part in a universal expansion, as indicated...