Examines how the Bhagavad-Gita reveals the fundamental teachings of Hinduism.

Essay by demottoUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, February 2004

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Examining the Bhagavad-Gita

Before examining the Bhagavad-Gita I believe it is necessary to have a general understand of the fundamental teaching of Hinduism. I have some knowledge of Hinduism from friends, but really have no understanding of what it really means to be Hindu. The comment that a Hindu friend of mind made to me once about Hindu is that it is not really as much of a religion as much it is a way of life and respect for it. I know that Hindi worship many different gods and revere some animals as sacred, but I have never really understood the fundamental of this religion. I am grateful that this assignment has given me the opportunity and motivation to examine the Hindu religion and one of it great literary works.

The first thing to realize about Hinduism is that it is not strictly a region. It is based on the practices of Dharma, the code of life.

Dharma name means "universal religion." Unlike other religions Hindu did not originate from a single source, such as a person or book. It did not start at a discernible point in time either. Hinduism is an ancient religion that was inspired by the ancient rishis and the principles where discovered through their meditations. The oldest writings are about 4000 years old. Below is a statement that captures the foundation of Hinduism.

"Hindu religious thought is based upon the belief in the Ultimate Reality, faith in the reality of the spirit, and faith in the spiritual order or the world." (The Hindu religious tradition -Stachidananda)

I can now turn my attention to the Bhagavad Gita, with at least a general concept to forge my understanding. The Bhagavad Gita is widely known and renowned work of India's spiritual wisdom. The Gita has seven hundred...