How Existentialism could affect one's belief in God

Essay by ccpwriterCollege, UndergraduateA-, April 2007

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Existential, to have Existence- Open Freedom vs. Christian, to exist for God- Fixed SubmissionMost Christians believe that God, Jesus, and the Bible are the defining tenets of existence, a tangible presence of authority, and its gospel to model life after. Under this doctrine, many of the arguments of Existentialism can be seen as blasphemy for the very fact that it explains God as an idea. Existentialism advocates the freedom of man, but rejects the idea that freedom can coexist with God as the creator of all things. It tells us that if God is the ultimate creator then we are but homogenous instruments of God's will, with no responsibility for things like war, destruction, global warming.

Rilke wrote to the young poet, "You are looking outside, and that is what you should most avoid right now. No one can advise or help you - no one There is only one thing you should do.

Go into yourself." "For the creator must be a world for himself and must find everything in himself and in Nature, to whom his whole life is devoted". If Rilke had been a Christian Fundamentalist he'd have told the artist to look to his God for answers and inspiration, because his whole life is devoted to God. Instead he tells the poet he is silly for depending on God, that he should immerse himself in solitude, closing his mind from distraction.

Nietzsche and Rilke have similar views on God, yet approach them in different ways. Rilke asserts that God develops within humans, that we are the creators. "Why do you not think of him as the coming one, imminent from all eternity, the future one, the final fruit of a tree whose leaves we are?...As the bees bring in the...