Experience: Walker Percy's "The Loss of the Creature" and Edward Said's "States"

Essay by tuyetkatieCollege, UndergraduateA-, February 2007

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The Sharing of Experience

While reading Edward Said's and Walker Percy's essays, I can see how the two essays were in relation with one another. Both Said's and Percy's essays shared contradictions and differences in subject matter. An example of this is how they talk about sharing one's experience affects the understanding of individuals, and how the way we "the people" experience something that affects the understanding of others. Said's essay examines how he has perceived the life of Palestinian people that caused the belief of others, based on his personal account, in addition to his real "identity" as a Palestinian. Percy's essay explained how the Spanish explorer, Garcia Lopez De Cardenas has experienced the trip seeing the Grand Canyon in comparison to others whose beliefs were affected by an object, such as memorabilia from the trip that was presented to them.

The story of Edward Said, "States" shows how Revolution and civil struggles between Palestine and other countries had changed the life of Palestinians.

Said discusses the "loss of identities" which means Palestinians defined themselves as losing their real identities and a place where they could call their own. They traveled country to country in exile; they belonged nowhere. Instead, their identities had been transferred onto papers, showing who they are. Said states, "wherever Palestinians are, they are never in Palestine" because it is no longer where they call their home, they are not welcome nor do they have the right to stay/visit their homeland (Said 612). The author uses an example of a wedding picture to recall back to a time when the Palestinians shared and enjoyed their most delightful moment with one another, believing there is still an intense day for tomorrow that would bring hope and amusement for each one of them. The caption of...