Explain how the story of Jesus' baptism in Saint Mark's Gospel, helps Christians to understand why Baptism is important in the church today. Use infant and Believer's Baptism

Essay by maca1High School, 12th gradeA+, March 2006

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As a sacrament, Baptism is practised throughout all Catholic Churches today. Jesus' Baptism, remains the blueprint for all of today's Baptisms. The features and patterns of events used by John the Baptist and Jesus over 2000 years ago are still central to our modern Church's Service. Many features of Believer's and Infant's Baptism, that are used today are similar to how Jesus, would have experienced his own baptism. Throughout the course of this essay, I will look at the main features contained within Jesus' Baptism and explain how they allow others to understand why Baptism is so important in our Church today.


A sense of history gives everything an importance, baptism has been part of Christianity since the earliest days of the church. It has its roots in the old Jewish Religion. A sense of tradition gives authority and consistency to the Christian method. Baptism for Christians began with John the Baptist.

Mark's Gospel begins with telling the story of John the Baptist.

'And so John came. He baptised people in the desert. He also preached that people should be baptised and turn away from their sins. Then God would forgive them.' (Mark 1:4-5)

Salvation and forgiveness

This quote underlines the main feature and theme running throughout our Christian Baptisms in our world today. Turning away from sin and a new beginning is the central feature in any Christian Baptism today.

'It is a public sign that they have turned away from their old selfish lives and are making a new start' (St. Mark's Gospel)- Gedde's and Griffth's

Baptism is so important, because it offers salvation and forgiveness.

'Baptism is necessary for salvation. It causes remediation of original and actual sin.' (Hexham Diocese)


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