Explore symbols or strands of imagery within the novel. What role do they play within the work?

Essay by Samour1995High School, 12th gradeB, September 2014

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Explore symbols or strands of imagery within the novel. What role do they play within the work?

We can appreciate how in the novel "The Thief and the dogs" theirs lot's of symbolism and imagery used by the writer to give better understanding of every character, of the setting in which the novel is taking place and the time where this novel is being developed.

It immediately starts in chapter one, with a dominant imagery of animals. It instantly makes us realize as a reader that Nabawiyya and Ilish might be the dogs, which are referred in the novel's title. The use of this imagery is to help us understand how in this case dogs are seen in a negative way as creatures that represent disloyalty and deceit. Continuing with the idea of animal imagery, I can say that is used in a negative way with the use of terms like " You snake" or " You mangy dogs!" this are negative and actually harsh fragments of the text which make the use of animal imagery to reflect and help us emphasize the language use in those times, plus the personalities of the characters.

Reinforcing the idea of using animal imagery, just that in this fragment of the text they are using this device to describe a character, in this case "Said's Daughter". "Like a mouse" with the use of this imagery, it emphasizes some features of the girl, she is a shy girl, and also it offers us as a reader to sympathize with the young girl and Said himself. Then also imagery is used to describe in a more deeper way the aspects of the character in this case "Said" "a man who can dive like a fish, fly like a hawk, scale walls like a...