Extended Response: Blade Runner & Brave New World

Essay by supwillis April 2005

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English Extended Response

The term "text" in today's age no longer refers to just books. Over time texts have grown into different styles and forms. Writing is no longer the only way to express values, attitudes, ideas, human emotions and character personalities. New innovations have led to TV's cinema screens and clever advertisements in attempt to broadcast the texts contexts. Some people say that "we are controlled by the media"; told what to buy and what to think. I believe that "It is the connections we make between texts and contexts that enlarge our understanding of life". Every text type offers new values, attitudes and opinions that we can absorb to greater our understanding of ourselves and our environment. To explore my statement I would like to look at the connections between text and context and how it enlarges our understanding of life by analyzing the comparison between two different text types from two different time frames and what the composer believed the future holds.

Brave New World (BNW) is a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley, a text revered for its dystopic representation of the future. Blade Runner (BR) is a relatively modern movie directed by Ridley Scott that portrays a future polluted and degraded by human industrialization.

In both texts what is immediately noticeable is the domination of the city skyline. In BNW the environment is populated and thriving under a state controlled backdrop. Noticeably wildlife is absent completely in the entire novel. We are only fleetingly introduced to any from of vegetation in the savage reservation; which is presumably the only place left in the entire world that adheres to past cultural appreciation of the environment. Similarly BR opens with a long-shot of the giant industrial landscape setting of the film. Lighting is a technique...