How the eye works.

Essay by domthebombA+, June 2003

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how the eye works

The eye allows us to see, judge distances and provides one of the essential sences.

It gives us a great awareness of our environment and is

thought to be a great peice of natural engineering.

The eye consists of a few main parts, the iris, pupil, lense,vitriouse humour and retina. I will explain how each one works.

Iris: This can appear different colours on the outer eye. It expands and contracts in relation to the muscles which control the movement of the lense.

pupil: Most of the light travels into the eye through this. Its colour is black.

lense: this is one of the most the most important parts of the eye, its function is to focus light onto the centre of the retina. It is moved by two ligaments (muscles) located on the edges. Irregularities in this can cause long or short-sightedness.

vitriouse humour (sometimes just vitrious): this is the white, jelly like substance found surrounding the parts of the eye.

retina: the part of the eye that picks up light patterns and sends them to the eye, it is important that an image is focused exactly onto this to see properley. The retina is made up of cones and rods, the rods detect dim lights in black and white and the cones detect bright lights and colour using colour sensitive pigments which use colour wave length(measured in nanometers). each rod detects a different colour, If there are more rods for one couler than another couler blindness can result.

We need to have two eyes so that the brain can work out distances by the amount they point inwards to each other.

how we achieve vision

we see when light bouncing of an object travels into the eye via the pupil, when it enters the...