The fall of the Roman Empire

Essay by enigmadeceptionJunior High, 7th gradeB+, March 2003

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this is just some of the essay: Rome once a small tiny farm city grew into a vast empire. But what were the roman territories conquered by Rome were they didn't speak Latin called? They were called provinces. The relationship between these provinces is very strong. Rome had to treat the provinces like they were brothers. If Rome treated them like slaves then there would be a revolt and they would consider migrating to an enemy empire. Also provinces were a big part of trade for the Romans. So without treating the provinces with respect Rome wouldn't be what it was.

Barbarians, people who speak a different language and believe a different religion that's how the Romans define the word barbarian. The barbarians were both enemies and allies to Rome. Which one stands out more? The fact that the barbarians were enemies to Rome stands out more. It stands out more because the barbarians were once allies to Rome, but they weren't involved in as much of history as they were when they were enemies.

When they were allies there weren't really involved in history, but when they became enemies they were because they conquered and destroyed Rome the one of the biggest empires of all time so then were a big part of history. So they stood out a lot more when they were enemies.