Fallen Souls, An essay about three people from Literature, History, or Present times that would be in "The Cantos of the Inferno" by Dante

Essay by Anonymous UserCollege, UndergraduateA-, February 1997

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Thesis Statement: In each Circle and Canto there are different

penalties to pay but it is for sure that each forbidden soul in the

Inferno will live forever in eternal suffering.

I. Introduction

II. Medea and Jason

A. Jason's love affair.

B. Medea and the three children exiled.

C. Medea's slaying of the three children and Glauce.

D. Jason's penalties.

III. O. J. Simpson

A. His Crime.

B. His Penalties in the Inferno and in life.

IV. Benedict Arnold

A. His Crime.

B. His Penalties in Hell.

V. Conclusion

Fallen Souls

Cantos III, V, and XXXIV are only three of the Cantos of the

fallen souls of the Inferno. The Inferno is the place we call Hell. It

reeks with bad smells and bugs and fire along with the many other

hideous things. The Inferno has many Cantos and Circles, each

for a different sin or wrong doing towards another.

In each circle

and Canto there are different penalties to pay but it is for sure that

each forbidden soul in the Inferno will live forever in eternal


Our first soul to discuss is eternally locked in Canto V,

Circle Two: The Carnal. This man, Jason, became king of Cornith

by committing adultery against his wife, Medea, with the king of

Cornith's daughter, Glauce. Jason returns to Medea and tells her

that she and their three children are to leave his home immediately

so he and Glauce can move in. The following day Medea sends

Glauce a poisoned robe which kills her. This causes Jason to

come to Medea for revenge, where he finds his three children

murdered by their mother's hand. Jason grief stricken falls upon

his own sword and dies there with his sons. Jason is reputed to the

Carnal a place where souls who give up...