Family Tradition.

Essay by greenb0ttlecapHigh School, 11th gradeA, September 2005

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Many families have different traditions that are handed down to each generation. In my family we have a simple recipe that makes "The best Italian Gravy". Every Sunday and Wednesday my family never asked what was for dinner. We knew by the smell of fresh garlic, and the sizzling sound of sausage, browning in the pan that pasta or spaghetti was dinner for that day. On Sunday morning my mother wakes up early and begins cooking our favorite meal of the week, spaghetti with sausage and pork spare ribs. My Grandmother passed this recipe down to my mother, who taught me along with my sister-in-law. Now our own families enjoy the taste of homemade gravy that my brother and I grew up enjoying. The beauty of this process our homemade gravy, always has the same great taste, no matter how many times it is made.

There are many steps in making this gravy, but the ending result is well worth the effort.

We buy one pound each of hot and sweet sausage, one package of pork spare ribs. The pork spare ribs give the gravy a nice mellow taste. There are two styles of Italian peeled tomatoes one is Genuine Italian and the other is Italian Style. We buy two cans of Genuine Italian peeled tomatoes, and three cans (6oz) of tomato paste. We also buy fresh garlic and spices, of oregano, parsley and mint leaves. The most important ingredient is anise seed. Anise seed is my mother's secret ingredient. Anise seed is not found in any cookbooks that I've read with Italian gravy recipes.

First take a large pot and brown the meat on both sides. After the meat is done browning, remove from the pot and put it aside. Peel the garlic and brown it in the...