Fast Times at Ridgemont High: The Rose-Tinted World

Essay by BeDazzled2525University, Bachelor's March 2004

download word file, 3 pages 5.0

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There is no doubt that Fast Times At Ridgemont High is an intelligent, entertaining, and most importantly, realistic look at high school life of the early 1980's. Sex, drugs, and carefree abandon run rife with the rosy tint with which any pubertal teen sees the world. However, just because that is the most common view of teenage life does not mean that a documentary-like narrative should be devoid of a view of what living looks like with the rose colored glasses taken off.

Take for instance the consequences of Stacy's loose behavior - she wants attention, sleeps with a guy to get it, and ends up not only without the attention of the guy, but pregnant as well. To top it all off, when she goes to tell the father the news, he drops all contact and offers no help. Now, to an extent that shows the grim reality of the situation.

The world doesn't look quite so rosy. But that is where all reality ends. The pesky little problem is quickly sucked out of the way, without exposing the viewer to the controversial gore and agony of the procedure; and avoiding all real uncomfortable-ness and dilemma. She never really has to deal with the situation. The entire process of the abortion is conveniently packaged into about ten seconds worth of film, where a perfectly cheery nurse turns a corner and asks a perfectly happy and healthy looking Stacy if she's all set, then sends her on her way. I personally find it rather discomforting to see something that is neither happy, painless, or trifling handled so trivially.

Abortion is an issue that is generally handled very delicately, and with good reason, but I find it a complete cop-out by writer Cameron Crowe and director Amy Heckerling to completely ignore...