Fields And Sands

Essay by simpleplanrulesHigh School, 10th gradeA, December 2002

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This essay is called fields and sands. its a creative description of the isle of lewis in scotland. it gives an imagery point of view of the reader. the reader experiences the scenery in the description.

On the Island of Lewis In Scotland there is lots to see. As you walk from your

ancient blackhouse home, down the long dirt road you see many big long

brown haired Island Bulls as they moo so loud the next town could hear. Also

with Fluffy white sheep and their guardian sheepdogs taking care of them.

You stop to let the soft warm breeze blow against you wondering why it

wouldn't be raining on this rain-prone island. You gaze around at the beautiful

lucious green grass filled with Heather and Thistles.

A car goes by and the man and woman say "hello" as the townspeople

always do, in the small town of Stornoway.

They go in the opposite direction on

their way to the Atlantic Ocean. Where the white sandy beaches are so pure

and the beautiful shimmering waters flow up to the sand. The sea creatures and

sea shells line the beach, alone with the huge towering lighthouse.

You start to walk again on your way through the busy downtown area to

the beautiful harbour. When you get to the harbour you see many people as

they are loading onto the large Hebertis Ferry. The docks are filled with many

small fishing boats getting ready to set sail. You walk onto the Pier #1 and realize

you are standing on a burial ground for the ancient MacLeod Castle way

underneath the water.

As you are standing there, your grey, shiny friend Sammy the Seal hops

onto the deck. Then he barks and claps happily like an eager dog for his daily...