Film review and comment of 'Of Mice of Men' by Gary Sinise.

Essay by Basmane November 2004

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While watching the film version of 'Of Mice and Men' directed by Gary Sinise, visual imagery, lighting, and soundtrack is used well in order to shapte the audience's reactions to plot, character and theme.

Visual imagery and effects are used to reflect the actual feelings and social statue of the characters. For example, after the fight between Lennie and Curley, Lennie and George are framed very close together under a single light bulb. That makes audiences feel a sense of intimacy, closeness and loneliness. In the Crooks scene, we're shown a very feeble and alone Crooks who is depicted as a lonely and isolated victim of racism. The final shot of Crooks', alone in the dark, influences this feeling to the audience. The lighting and the costumes also give us a better understanding of the setting.

Another important aspect that influences the emotional effect of a scene is lighting.

Lighting is used well in the film in order to make the audiences feel emotions such as excitement and loneliness. For example, at the beginning of the film we see George on a train and his face is in shadows. Shadows indicate that there is something unknown about him who appears alone and isolated. The novel couldn't offer any visual effects and music but film had both of these.

Music used as part of the soundtrack is the important and powerful part of the film. It creates tension and sympathy as well as helping to shape the audience's attitude to what is happening on the screen. Soundtrack reflects and expands on these themes and ideas. While Lennie and George were escaping from Weed, tense music created feelings of tension, drama and danger. Another example to this is dream scene. When George and Lennie talk about their dream to get a...