Food security

Essay by MJchenHigh School, 10th gradeB+, October 2014

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Mandy Chen, Class Williams.

Dealing with food insecurity- 3rd Draft

Most countries in the world are developing at a high speed over the past decades. However, food insecurity is still a serious problem that haunts human world for a long time. In less-developed countries, there're nearly 60 million people suffering from hunger and malnutrition. In order to deal with this situation, three strategies are carefully designed to improve food production.

Primarily, reducing spoilage is the key to settle food insecurity. Roughly 30 to 40% of food in both developed and developing worlds is lost to waste (Godfray et al. 816). However, there's still a large amount of regions in the world, especially those in Africa, are mightily eager for food. As a result, economizing food is urgently needed. In developing countries, devoid of functioning infrastructures and storage technologies are the derivation of spoilage. Thus, with regard to waste in developing countries, public investment in transport infrastructure would reduce the incidence of spoilage (817).

In developed world, squander is mainly caused by the absence economical consciousness of consumers, who often discard the exceeded food they have at meals. Therefore, to mitigate the harsh situation of food insecurity, it's important to advertise the seriousness of food waste and the way of utilizing the spoilage in developed countries.

Besides, introducing progressive agrarian skills to farmers is a good way to alleviate the problem of food insecurity. A group of scientists once made a trip for research to an agricultural country in which most people are malnourished. They gathered the local farmers in a small town and instructed them in the efficient use of seeds, water, nutrients, soil, and something else related to the food production. A short time later, the yield of the town increased approximately twofold, largely...