Freedom of Religion in America

Essay by KarmadogUniversity, Bachelor's April 2006

download word file, 2 pages 0.0

Each religious culture has its own particular order. Each one proposes how our human behavior should be regulated. It formulates moral statements concerning human behavior and devises an ethical system to justify that moral behavior, which derive from religious cultures that are uniquely ingrained in us. Religion gives us reason to be good people, and in turn leads to societal order.

Thus a functional society seems to depend on the citizens' right to freedom of religion. Thankfully our forefathers were wise enough to guarantee it in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. There are two main precepts of freedom of religion contained in the First Amendment which guarantee it: the separation of church and state, as well as, free exercise of religion. Both are equally important in preserving our freedoms.

We human beings are strange creatures. Like other animals we need food, drink, and shelter. What sets us apart; however, is our need to answer deeper questions in our daily lives: Is life worth living? Who am I, after all? Where is life taking me? What is going to happen beyond death? Why do some innocent people, like little children, suffer and even die? The fact that the sun comes up everyday doesn't answer such ultimate questions.

Human beings need another system, another way of life, another set of common understandings. These are our religions. Free exercise of religion means we have the right to choose a religion, or no religion, without interference from the government. Moreover, this means congress can't advance, obstruct, or promote religion. This means a person can hold, or not hold, any religion they choose, and shall not be constrained; however, it is noteworthy that this practice cannot hinder the public welfare or public policy.

The separation of church and state was outlined by...