Functions of Job Descriptions

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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Job Descriptions (JDs) are one of the most basic formal documents any organization must posses. They are, in the most basic form, ?a written description of a job and the types of duties it includes? (Bohlander, Snell 101). Typically, they consist of four main parts, the job title, the job statement, job responsibilities, and job qualifications. This information can provide a wealth of knowledge for use by anyone, at any level in an organization. Specifically JDs define job tasks, provide recruiting information, set legal requirements, and aid in performance appraisal.

Every job description must first identify a specific job. Typically, this information includes a job title, along with a specific department within the organization, and the reporting manager. This information is important because it helps define organizational structure. The employee must know what their job is, who to report to, and where their position is located in the hierarchy of the organization.

This section can also define salary requirements, such as maximums or minimums, hourly rates, schedule to be worked, etc.

The next section will issue a statement or summarize ?the primary reason for and function of the job? (Microsoft Online Office 2). Here, the jobs major responsibilities such as where the job is to be performed, what are the main duties to be performed, and when should these duties be performed are typically described in a single paragraph. This description ?should describe the job without detailed task descriptions? (Microsoft Online Office 2). This statement should be nothing more than an overview that will assist the employee in defining the complexity of the job.

This information is used for recruitment when advertising for applicants. The recruiter uses this information as a basis for where to advertise. Getting the right people to respond to an advertisement is extremely important and on...