In today environment there are many facets in the Public Relations field, which is often referred to as a complex profession. Although complex, there are thousands of men and women practicing in this field throughout the world. There are numerous diverse activities that fall under the public relations umbrella that can often be classified as organizational or societal within the broad range of functions. Many of the functions can essentially be tied in one way or another into both classifications.
Although there is not a defined definition of the organizational or society functions in public relations, the organizational functions are those activities that relate to or involve organizations as opposed to the societal functions, which involve activities that relate to or involve society. Communications management and employee relations are great examples of organizational functions, where marketing communications and community relations reflect societal functions of public relations.
Communications management is the way in which communication is used to support the goals of public relations, as well as listening to the population on which an organization depends on, and analyzing and understanding the attitudes and behaviors of those audiences.
Managing communication is essential; it is the process that involves both internal and external publics, with a goal of stimulating a better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments and needs of the organization.
Employee relations personnel must know that employees are a company's most important audience, and maintaining their good will, as well as continuing the image and reputation of the company is a primary function of public relations. Communications is a means to inform and provide employees with a channel to upper management. A survey is an excellent tool to determine what information employees consider important. Companies use several communication tools, such as monthly or quarterly magazines, newsletters, bulletin boards, all-hands meetings,