Fundamental Research Paper

Essay by KD0308University, Bachelor'sB+, August 2014

download word file, 3 pages 0.0

Fundamental Research

By: Krista Dickinson

BSHS 382

Professor Michael Kreitler, MA

April 16th, 2014

This paper will explore the scientific method and incorporate how the research can be

used within the profession of human services. This paper will provide the scientific inquiry steps

as their importance is explained. An example on how human service professional would use the

scientific method will also be included. Qualitative and quantitative research will be briefly

discussed along with their differences and their relation to the human service field. Also included

in this paper is a research methodology for the two models along with an understanding of mixed

method research. The paper will also touch base on the understanding of how scientific research

supports the human service professionals' functions. Without further due, let's get started.

Scientific method is an investigation that employees the principles and empirical

processes in which the problem is identified. Data is gathers by observation, a hypothesis is

developed from the data, and then the hypotheses is tested and a conclusion to validate or modify

the hypothesis.

Scientific methods as the center of scientific inquiry serves as a framework for all

branches of science to assess their situations and to reach conclusions based on observation,

concepts, experiments, and analysis.

Scientific inquiry is a process that involves developing questions so that one can devise

answers. Researchers develop a hypothesis based on his or her observations of phenomena and

then design experiments to test them. Researchers then use technology to gather scientifically

fact-based information in a systematic way by examining the experimental evidence. Then the

interpretation of the data to prove if the hypothesis is true or not is completed. Scientific inquiry

requires the investigator or investigators to identify any personal assumptions taking into

consideration other possible explanations (ScienceBuddies, 2010). It is a process...