The funtionality of electrons

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Kristen Burgess AP Biology/Period 4

Lab 3 Mitosis and Meiosis


Observe slides of onion root tips and look for mitosis of the plant cells. Calculate the time of the phases of mitosis on the slide with the root tissue. You may observe slides of whitefish blastula to compare mitosis in plant cells and animal cells.


Understand mitosis in animals and in plant cells as well as be able to identify the key events of meiosis in each.

Grasp the important differences between meiosis and mitosis both mechanical and genetic.

Be able to identify the stages of mitosis both plant and animal cells.

Calculate the duration of the cell cycle stages as you see them and be able to explain how independent assortment and crossing over can generate genetic variation in the products of meiosis. (Note for me personally: Make sure you understand why this happens in humans and that this is how we get genetic variation).

Watch the video's diagrams online and be able to explain what chromosomes do in both meiosis I and II. Then relate these diagrams to Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment. (Note for me personally: Look in chapters 8 and 9 for this info).

Watch the diagrams and look at the lab with the beads and be able to picture what the gametes and spores would look like if you were to do the bead experiment. Do this based on your observations from the video diagrams.

Using your textbook, the lab, the online video diagrams and any other resources listed be able to compare and contrast the outcome of meiosis and mitosis in plant cells as well as the outcomes of meiosis and mitosis in animal cells.


Prophase, metaphase, telophase, oh my! Oh my is right, don't forget anaphase located in...