Genocide in Darfur

Essay by HappixJunior High, 9th gradeA+, May 2008

download word file, 4 pages 4.6

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Throughout history, there have been numerous cases of prejudice and hostile intolerance from one group to another on major subjects such as religion, sexuality, and in this case…ethnicity. Ethnicity issues have gone a long way and has been the motive to many cases of irrational violence ("ethnic cleansing"), one major one including that of the Holocaust, where outs over six million Jews had been wiped out with not-so-subtle suffering in between. Many times have politicians and people alike sworn that atrocities such as genocide should never happen again, but thus the madness happens again. And this is where it brings us: modern genocide in Darfur, Sudan.

So it starts with how the populace in Darfur mostly consists of two main Muslim ethnicities: non-Arabs blacks such as the Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa; and Arabic tribes jointly called the Baggara. The Baggara are typically nomadic herdsmen while the non-Arabs are mostly sedentary farmers, so the antagonism for land and water resources have led to violent arguments between each other.

It is not only verbal for North Muslim and Southern Christian territories have been feeling the strain of the evident favoritism from the Arabic dictator. Things finally snapped for the two when the Islamic law was put into play in 1983, which had led to the second Sudanese Civil War. It lasted until 2002 when a ceasefire was finally called. Though the fighting had stopped, the government still refused to grant something more rational for the region's population that resulted in the formation of two rebel groups called the "Justice and Equality Movement" and the "Sudanese Liberation". They accused the government of being prejudiced against non-Arabs while favoring the Arabs. The tension started to get so severe that things finally came down when the rebel groups launched a surprise attack on government...