Geoffrey Chaucer

Essay by ptrwinnCollege, UndergraduateA, February 2005

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Geoffrey Chaucer


Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the greatest English poets ever lived. His masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, was one of the most important works of world literature. His works provide a great contribution to English literature in using English at a time when much poetry was still written in Latin or other major language during that time.

Chaucer's Family and Early Life

Not much is known about Chaucer's early life. According to source, Chaucer was born in the early 1340 (Macropedia 760). Chaucer was born to a middle class English family. His father, John Chaucer was a wine merchant and deputy to the king's servant (Macropedia 760). While he was a child in London, Chaucer attended the prestigious school, St. Paul's Almonry for his education. While schooling in St. Paul, Chaucer studied French, Italian, and Latin (Pearsall 29).

In 1357, Chaucer took a position in the royal court of Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster (Macropedia 760).

With the help of his father John, Chaucer was able to work with other teenagers in serving for the royal family. His job in the court were to make beds, carry candles; much like the job of a butler. While serving for the royal court, Chaucer had great opportunities to travel, study law, and learn more about the court.

After two years of serving, Chaucer joined Edward III army in France (Macropedia 760) . During the battle of Reims, Chaucer was captured and imprison. Heard about the capture, the King paid a large sum for his release. After Chaucer's release, the King appointed him to serve as a messenger during the peace negotiations in 1360 from Calais to England (Macropedia, 760).

Chaucer Life After Marriage

Chaucer was married to Philippa Pan in 1366 (Pearsall 41). Philippa was also a service in the royal...