The global impact of two minor European conflicts in the early 1920s.

Essay by KeirHigh School, 10th gradeA, November 2005

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During the 1920s the League of Nations was fairly successful. The way they solved their problems and resolving conflicts may not be liked by most people, but they still stopped the problems. Two of these things that they did are that they resolved the Corfu incident of 1923 and the invasion of Bulgaria in 1925.

The Corfu incident happened in 1923. It started when an Italian general was killed in Corfu. Italy claims that the general was there doing work for the League of Nations. When Mussolini heard the death of his general he was mad, so he blamed Greece for the general's death. He used this excuse to invade Corfu. The Greeks asked the League of Nations for help. The League of Nations solved the conflict by first having a meeting that includes the general assembly and the Security Council. At the meeting they used their power of condemnation to condemn Mussolini.

The League ordered Mussolini to leave Corfu and pay Greece. Mussolini completely ignored the order and reveled in the condemnation. Once this happen the league still wanted to stop the conflict, so they just had another meeting, they resolved this conflict by making Greece pay Italy to get the Italian army out of Corfu, also the Greeks have to say sorry for killing the general. Once they do that the Italians left. The way they resolved this incident could seem very unreasonable at first. Still when the big picture is seen it's actually fairly good. That is because once the big picture is seen the League of Nations actually prevented an incident that could lead to a war. This incident will make some country stop trusting the League and diminish their reputation in certain countries, like Greece. Still it can also raise its reputation in other...