
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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How does globalization produce uneven development? The free market solves the problem of the self-defined character of hortative goods. The free market is established by imperative and jussives goods, protections against violence, fraud, and any other coercion or dishonesty, but no one in advance ever needs to know what anyone else in particular wants when it comes to the general goods of euergetic ethics -- hortative goods. Instead one can offer goods that one thinks someone else might want and then see if there are any takers. On the other hand, if someone wants something, then they can just seek out someone else who may be offering it. All that buyer and seller need is some way of making contact. That is called advertising. Thus exchanges of self-defined hortative value take place without the knowledge or concern of anyone else. Thus, what someone wants or values need not be predicted or known by anyone in any kind of public authority.

Indeed, what people want or value cannot be predicted, known, or calculated by anyone in public authority, which is why capitalism produces wealth to a greater degree than any other system: every exchange in the marketplace is a transaction, and transactions are wealth. All other things being equal, more transactions will deflate a constant supply of money, i.e. will make the money more valuable (prices will fall), or will allow for the money supply to grow while retaining the same value (prices remain the same). That no one can say what someone else wants is foundation of the free market. It is what enables us to solve the problem of the relativism of euergetic goods. The free market actually enables everyone to get what they want. Even democracy at its best rarely represents more than the wishes of 50 to...